We all know that so far, this has been a year to end all years – many of
us can say that we have never known anything like it. One can start to
get deeper philosophically and question the relevance of much of what
was familiar and habitual. Like shopping…like buying…A R T.
But still we need to carry on, even if our lifestyles have changed
dramatically. And especially if we work from home and those four walls
need a Change-Up. And some of our daily accessories (our favourite
coffee cup/notebook/phone cover…you get the idea). Which is why I
have joined Redbubble.com to sell those items. Heads up – the artist
margin is small so it is not a super money maker for us. But it is F U N
and I am on a mission to keep F U N in the small things we do on a
regular basis.
Colour, as those who know me will say – is super important to me. When
it is gray I feel gray, so I need to brighten up my day and surroundings,
sometimes with just small things that give me a lift when I look at them.
So, I invite you to check out my growing Redbubble account (link here) and see if
you can find something there to bring a smile to your face.
Ah, you may have noticed that my location has changed. Yes, I am
currently in Switzerland and finding daily stimulation in my view and